Archive for December, 2008

Wedding Pics finally

So three months after my wedding I finally am getting the pictures of the wedding posted. I don’t have the pictures from the rest of the trip yet, just the wedding day. The entire dump of them can be found in this directory. The top level are the crappy pics taken by the resort that I had to pay out the nose for. The engagement_party directory are the pictures from the official Chinese engagement and the photographer directory are the actual wedding day pics taken by our photographer friend Derick Marquez. He’s available ladies.

I was originally going to do a write up of the day but the images do a much better job of telling the story. Derick is a great photographer and you can really tell the mood in his shots. They’re worth much more than 1000 words. Here’s some of my favorites (the links are all the low-res versions.  High res are in the main directory).

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There’s a lot more pictures of the day though so please take your time looking.

I’ll post the rest of the trip once I have them.
