09 Cruise part 1

View from boat of the Ft. Lauderdale Port


Benny and Yee in their stateroom (ours is identical)


Engrish is alive and well.  This is the top of the glass ceiling on top of the ship.


Sleepy Ka Mun!


Captain’s Corner Dive boat (from James Bond “License to Kill”)


Sebastian, insta-buddy.  Nice relaxed diver.  Good person to have as a buddy.


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Sebastian however wasn’t the best cameraman in the world.  He was nice enough to take my camera and shoot a pair of pictures of me with it.  Here are those two pics.


Various views of the Cayman Salvor.  I should have taken a large picture of it from above but this was my first time using the camera and didn’t even think about it.


Top of the ship along with Sebastian

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A nice big stingray that took off while I was watching.  Wish I’d had it on video instead of picture.


These are pictures of a few coral from my second dive.  This is when I learned my camera flash eats normal batteries like candy after it died 10 minutes in.  I had bought some lithium batteries before I left and found on the ship that I had bought AAA instead of AA like a moron.  Ah well.  It’s a learning experience.  These pictures have more color in them since this was a shallower dive.
